2024 Governor's Award Finalists Announced


Posted on 01/06/2025

Three projects have been selected by a panel of judges representing nine statewide organizations as finalists for the 2024 Governor’s Award for Parks and Recreation. Cincinnati Recreation Commission’s Rec @ Nite Program, Columbus Recreation & Parks’ APPS Job Readiness Program, and the New Albany Parks and Recreation’s New Albany Celebrates Diwali were selected from among the 13 first place award winners.

Rec @ Nite  |  Cincinnati Recreation Commission

Rec @ Nite served as a beacon for teens, drawing them into a community where they felt valued and safe. By creating an inviting atmosphere, the program significantly reduced youth-related incidents, specifically in two neighborhoods where Rec @ Nite was staged. These two centers were open from 3pm-11pm on Saturday and provided a variety of teen programming ranging from late night swimming, silent disco, haircuts and braiding, dancing and socializing, playing basketball, and doing art projects. With over 300 teens attending every Saturday, communities now understand the value that is provided by creating teen safe havens, reinforcing the idea that positive change is not just possible—it’s happening. The program’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion ensures that every teen, regardless of background, feels welcomed and represented. This attention to inclusivity fostered understanding and respect among participants, bridging gaps, and celebrating differences. Through partnerships with local businesses, community organizations, the police department, and with support from city officials, Rec @ Nite not only enhanced safety, but also actively worked to improve the quality of life for all community members, nurturing a sense of belonging and collective responsibility.

APPS Job Readiness Program: A Pathway to Possibilities for Columbus Youth  |  Columbus Recreation & Parks

The APPS Job Readiness Program (AJRP) offers more than just jobs—it provides hope, guidance, and a glimpse into what’s possible. The program serves young people ages 14-23, offering real-world work experiences at over 50 locations across the city—from local businesses to departments in the City of Columbus. Participants are matched with roles that align with their interests, whether it’s event planning, childcare, STEM, or even entrepreneurship. If the perfect fit isn’t available, AJRP introduces participants to something new—expanding their horizons and their career possibilities. While participants earn $15 per hour, the value they gain goes far beyond a paycheck. The AJRP team, made up of dedicated youth development specialists, provides mentorship, job coaching, and training in vital life skills like leadership, conflict resolution, and financial literacy. Many participants receive support in setting up their first bank account and are given guidance on how to budget and manage their money. Yet, for some participants, it’s not just career skills they need. AJRP’s holistic approach helps young people facing personal challenges that can make maintaining a job difficult—whether that’s food insecurity, housing instability, or mental health struggles.

New Albany Celebrates Diwali  |  New Albany Parks and Recreation

The City of New Albany’s inaugural community Diwali celebration occurred in late 2023. Diwali, or “The Festival of Lights,” is an annual Indian festival celebrated across faiths both in India and the diaspora celebrating the symbolic victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. The Diwali event was planned in consultation with an 11-member resident focus group and the City’s IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility) Implementation Panel. Additionally, they engaged New Albany High School students to plan children’s activity areas and volunteer at the event. This guidance made the event authentic, meaningful, and distinctly New Albany. The city chose to celebrate Diwali because according to U.S. census data, roughly 9% of New Albany’s population is comprised of residents who identify as “Asian alone.” Success was measured not only by attendance numbers but also by the resident feedback received after the event. More importantly, this segment of the community is now noticeably more involved; from taking on leadership roles in other community events, attending more concerts and celebrations, and applying for open positions in City government, the community now feels more appreciated, celebrated, and connected.

The Governor’s Award for Parks and Recreation, presented by Ohio Parks and Recreation Association was established in 2010 to recognize the one park and recreation project, program, or event that has had the most significant impact on quality of life in the preceding year. Officials from nine statewide organizations formed the voting panel for the 2024 award. They judged the 1st place winners based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated impact of the project, program, or event on the community quality of life;
  • The project, program, or event is unique/innovative or presents a new way of doing something;
  • The project, program, or event addresses a felt need in the community and includes clear goals which are achieved; and,
  • The project, program, or event is utilized by the community and outcomes can be demonstrated. 

The award winner will be announced and the award presented at the OPRA Annual Awards Dinner on February 4, 2025 at the Kalahari Convention Center in Sandusky.