
Photo Courtesy of Whitehall Parks and Recreation

Advocacy is at the core of the mission of OPRA!  We seek to impact legislators and policy makers, to share the story of success in parks and recreation, and to collaborate with others in order to improve the climate for parks and recreation in Ohio.

OPRA policy positions are crafted and shaped by a team of parks and recreation professionals from around Ohio who serve as members of the OPRA Board of Directors and as leaders of the Park District Section.  Before a position is taken on any legislative or regulatory issue, these members establish the OPRA policy.

OPRA Executive Director, Woody Woodward, serves as the eyes, ears, and voice of OPRA at the Ohio Statehouse.  Woody has more than 30 years of experience in and around Ohio government and advocates on our behalf in the legislature and with state agencies including the Governor's office.  His role as the OPRA Legislative Agent is to articulate to legislators and policy makers the positions taken by the Association and to work to build support for those positions taken by the Advocacy Committee.

Contact a Legislator and Legislative Directories

While OPRA meets regularly with state legislators in Columbus, contact by the OPRA's membership is a critical element of our advocacy plan.  In addition to phone calls and letters, most state legislators are responsive to requests to meet in the district.  Those meetings are most likely scheduled on Mondays, Fridays, and during the months of July through early November.  If you wish to meet with your legislator in Columbus, Woody will be happy to help coordinate your visit. 

If writing to legislators, mail should be addressed in the following manner:

Letters to State Representatives

The Honorable (Name)
State Representative
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH  43215-6111

Click here to find your Ohio State Representative.

Letters to State Senators

The Honorable (Name)
State Senator
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH  43215

Click here to find your Ohio State Senator.

Letters to Members of Congress

The Honorable (Name)
United States Representative
VIA FAX at 202-22X-XXXX
Letters must be faxed to members of Congress as Congressional mail averages 1-2 months delivery time because of security concerns.

Click here to find your US House Representative.