Presented By
Deadline: July 18, 2025
Have you attended an educational session at a Conference that inspired you, gave you insight on how to improve your department, or program offerings? Have you ever come out of a session and thought, “that was thought provoking, and I think I could add to this?”
Well, here is your chance! We are accepting Education Proposals for the 2026 OPRA Conference & Trade Show taking place February 1-4, 2026 in Sandusky, Ohio.
In addition to sessions presented by experts in our field, such as operations, natural resources, outdoor maintenance, grant writing, or park finances, we are also looking for sessions presented by industry experts outside of the parks and recreation field! Can you or someone you know share a different perspective on how to become a more effective manager, have a strong knowledge base about succession planning, or run a top-notch recruitment program? If any of these topics are in your wheelhouse then please submit an Education Proposal for consideration for the 2026 OPRA Conference & Trade Show. We all get better when we share our ideas and grow together!
Session Information
Room, A/V, and Session Information
Rooms are set up with a head table and classroom style seating. All
classrooms will be equipped with a screen, LCD projector, audio, and
wi-fi. The connector to the LCD projectors are HDMI. You are
responsible for bringing a laptop and any adaptors to connect to HDMI.
Special equipment and set-ups must be preapproved by OPRA.
Session Length
General education sessions are one hour and fifteen minutes long.
Leadership Series sessions on Tuesday are one hour and thirty minutes
long. Small Agency Forum sessions will vary in time, but will not
exceed one hour and fifteen minutes.