Education Proposals

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Have you attended an education session at a Conference that inspired you, gave you insight on how to improve your department, or program offerings?  Have you ever come out of a session and thought “that was thought provoking and I think I could add to this?”

Well here is your chance!  We are now accepting Education Proposals for the 2025 OPRA Conference & Trade Show taking place on February 2-5, 2025 in Sandusky, Ohio.

Here's some suggested topics that our 2024 attendees have requested:

  • Adaptive/Inclusive Topics
  • Aquatic Safety
  • Avoiding Silos and Echo Chambers
  • Baseball Field Care
  • Branding
  • Budgeting
  • Community Partnerships
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Conservation and Natural Resources
  • Customer Service
  • Data and Software Applications
  • DEI
  • Events
  • Fisheries Studies
  • Friends Groups
  • Fundraising
  • Grant and Funding Opportunities for Programs and Service
  • Health & Wellness
  • How to Market a Master Plan to the Community
  • Learning Management
  • Levy Campaigns
  • Managing the Public’s Expectations and Feedback
  • Marketing

  • Marketing Design 101
  • Mid Career and Retirement Planning/OPERS
  • Navigating the Transition to a New Municipal Administration
  • Onboarding
  • Park and Grounds Maintenance
  • Performance Management
  • Program Creation
  • Programming
  • Project and Construction Management
  • Public Relations
  • Resource Partnerships
  • Senior Related Programming
  • Social Media
  • Sport Programming
  • Staff Performance
  • Staff Supervision
  • Strategic Planning
  • Succession Planning
  • Sustainable Facilities Management
  • Tough Conversations, Team Motivation, and Training
  • Trail System Partnerships
  • Volunteers
  • Wildlife Studies
  • Working with Recreation Boards

Deadline:  July 19, 2024

Education Proposal Form

In addition to sessions presented by experts in our field, we are also looking for sessions presented by industry experts outside of the Parks and Recreation field! Do you know someone who can share a different perspective on how to become a more effective manager or has a strong knowledge base on succession planning? Maybe you know a top notch marketing professional that helped you rebrand, whatever the topic from marketing to leadership, we are interested in having them submit an education proposal for consideration as a presenter at the upcoming Conference.

Proposals must be submitted online.  One topic per proposal.  To help you prepare your submission, please collect the contact information, headshots, and bios for all the presenters, the session title, session description, and the days you are available to present the topic.

If you have any questions regarding the proposal, please call or email the OPRA office at (614) 895-2222 or