Mentorship Program

Photo Courtesy of Beavercreek Parks, Recreation & Culture

The OPRA Mentor Program is now available for anyone that wishes to be a Mentor or a Mentee. Please review the requirements, guidelines, and responsibilities of each role prior to applying to be considered for this program. Our hope is that anyone requesting a Mentor or Mentee will be paired with someone that can provide career insight and direction. Please feel free to reach out to Erin Duffee or Eliese Kendrick at any time for more information.

We will review mentor and mentee applications twice per year.  Deadlines are March 1st and September 1st with matches made by the end of both months.

Mentor/Mentee Program Application

Required field(s) are indicated by an *.
* Zip Code
* Email
Select all that apply
     Current Student
     Actively Seeking Employment, but not Currently Employed in the Field
     New/Early-Career Professional (1-4 years)
     Mid-Career Professional (5-15 years)
     Seasoned Professional (16+ years)
     Retired (within 3-5 years)
Select all that apply
In which of the following area(s) are you interested in growing professionally or becoming employed (mentees); do you currently have experience (mentors)?
     Facility Operations (Community Centers, Aquatics)
     Financial Management
     Human Resource Management
     Natural Resources
     Park Operations
     Rental Facilities
     Special Events/Event Planning
     Special Facilities (Golf, Ice, etc.)
Select all that apply
     Facility Operations (Community Centers, Aquatics)
     Financial Management
     Human Resource Management
     Natural Resources
     Park Operations
     Rental Facilities
     Special Events/Event Planning
     Special Facilities (Golf, Ice, etc.)
Acknowledgement of Mentorship Program Responsibilities:
1 - I am currently an OPRA member.
2 - I have completed the program application in full and reviewed all program information.
3 - I understand the requirements and commitment needed to be a participant in the OPRA Mentorship Program, and agree to meet the minimum expectations listed in the OPRA Mentorship Program Outline, Guidelines, and Responsibilities document.
Check if you're not a robot.

Requirements, Guidelines, and Responsibilities

Ohio Parks and Recreation Association (OPRA)
1069-A West Main Street | Westerville, OH 43081
(614) 895-2222 |

Copyright © Ohio Parks and Recreation Association