Cleveland Heights Office on Aging | Cleveland Heights Seniors Healthy at Home: Staying Connected

The Pandemic and the closing of senior centers highlighted the urgent need for technology. Grandpad is reported to be the easiest to use, state of the art device available for seniors. It operates without the use of WIFI, through a cellular connection provided by Consumer Cellular. The OPRA Foundation grant allowed the purchase of 2 Grandpads that were given to 2 Cleveland Heights seniors identified as lacking technology. We are aware of seniors living without home computers as before the shut-down they used the computers in our computer center. These are people who are acutely feeling the loss of connection now. Our program will use technology volunteers from our now-closed computer center to provide training on the devices. Our office provided the initial cost of 3 months of cell service and is available for tech support.  An agreement was signed by the selected seniors agreeing to take over the cost of the cellular service after the initial 3 months or return the tablet to us. The program will be evaluated after 3 months for feedback. We hope this program will grow to provide access to technology for as many Cleveland Heights seniors as possible.

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